研究成果 Research Outcome


杉本親要 (2025). イカの視線の先にあるもの. 心理学ワールド108号(日本心理学会機関誌), 新曜社.


Hagio, H., Nishino, H., Miyake, K., Sato, N., Sawada, K., Nakayama, T. & Yamamoto, N. (2024). Fish that fish for fish -a peculiar location of “fishing motoneurons” in the striated frogfish Antennarius striatus. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 532, e25674.

Uezono, S., Kato, T., Yamada, Y., Yoshimoto, M. & Yamamoto, N. (2024). Afferent and efferent connections of the secondary general visceral sensory nucleus in goldfish.Journal of Comparative Neurology, 532, e25566.

Estienne, P., Simion, M., Hagio, H., Yamamoto, N., Jenett, A. & Yamamoto, K. (2024). Different ways of evolving tool-using brains in teleosts and amniotes. Communications Biology, 7, 88.

Sato, H., Sakai, Y. & Kuwamura, T. (2024). Temporary division of roles in group hunting for fish eggs by a coral reef fish. J Ethol 42, 137–143

佐藤成祥 (2024). 密かにヒメイカ 最小イカが教える恋と墨の秘密 京都大学学術出版会, pp239.

Nakayama, A., Momoi, S., Sato, N., Kawamura, T. & Iwata, Y. (2024). Ritualized ink use during visual courtship display by males of the sexually dimorphic cuttlefish Sepia andreana. Ecology and Evolution, 14(2), e10852.

Sato, N., Tanabe, R., Chung, W. S., Yamada, M., Nakayama, A. & Iwata, Y. (2024). Squirting ink may play a role in the copulation of the pygmy squid. Journal of Ethology, 1-4.

Hosono, S., Masuda, Y., Tokioka, S., Kawamura, T. & Iwata, Y. (2024). Squid male alternative reproductive tactics are determined by birth date. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291, 20240156.

Kobayashi, T., Kohda, M.,Awata, S., Bshary, R. & Sogawa, S. (2024). Cleaner fish with mirror self-recognition capacity precisely realize their body size based on their mental image. Scientific Reports, 14, 20202.

Kohda, M., Sogawa, S. & Sowersby, W. (2024) The ability of teleost fishes to recognize individual faces suggests an early evolutionary origin in vertebrates. Frontiers in Psychology,15, 1497386.

Hidaka, R., Sogawa, S., Kohda, M. & Awata S. (2024) Punishment from dominant breeders increases helping effort of subordinates in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Animal Behaviour, 211. 99-109.

吉田将之 (2024). 個性って湧いて出るもの。親は何もしなくて大丈夫. Baby-mo/Kodo-mo Vol. 1, 90-91. 主婦の友

Soh, Z., Maruko, S., Fujita, M., Wakitani, S., Yoshida, M. & Tsuji, T. (2024). Simultaneous Motion and Respiration Measurement in Adult Zebrafish Based on the Instantaneous Spatial Distribution of Separated Ventilatory Signals. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 731–9.

Miura, O. & Takisawa, S. (2024). Biogeography of larval trematodes in the freshwater snail, Semisulcospira libertina: a comparison of the morphological and molecular approaches. Parasitology International102, 102924.

Takeshita, F. (2024). Mating behaviors in the varunid crab Helicana japonica (Decapoda: Varunidae: Cyclograpsinae). Crustacean Research53, 121–125.

石原千晶 (2024). 甲殻類は賢いか? 十脚類から考える. 日本水産学会誌90, 482.

高橋宏司 (2024). ヒト心あれば魚心 釣られた魚は忘れない 京都大学学術出版会, pp264.

Hidaka, R., Sogawa, S., Kohda, M. & Awata, S. (2024). Punishment from dominant breeders increases helping effort of subordinates in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Animal Behaviour, 211, 99-109.


Hagio, H., Yamamoto, N. (2023). Ascending visual pathways to the telencephalon in teleosts with special focus on forebrain visual centers, associated neural circuitries, and evolution. Zoological Science, 40, 105-118.

Sato, H., Sakai, Y. & Kuwamura, T. (2023). Cleaner fish coloration does not always reduce predation risk: testing the effect of protective mimicry in the false cleanerfish, Aspidonntus taeniatus. Biological Journal of the LinneanSociety.

Deville, D., Mori, S., Kawai, K., Escánez, A., Macali, A., Lishchenko, F., Braid, H., Githaiga‐Mwicigi, J., Mohamed, K. S., Bolstad, K. S. R., Miyahara, K., Sugimoto, C., Fernández‐Álvarez, F. Á. & Sanchez, G. (2023). Cryptic biodiversity in the commercial diamondback squid Thysanoteuthis rhombus Troschel 1857. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 34, 293–313.

Sato, N., Ono, H., Hirohashi, N. & Iwata, Y. (2023). Multiplicity of sperm receptacles for securing the offspring genetic variability in a pelagic squid. Marine Biology, 170, 51.

Kohda, M., Sowersby, W., Awata, S. & Sogawa, S. (2023). Reply to Mori: Cleaner fish have a concept of the self. Proc. Nat. Acad. Soc, 120, e2303923120.

Sogawa, S., Fukushima, R., Sowersby, W., Awata, S., Kawasaka, K. & Kohda, M. (2023). Male guppies recognize familiar conspecific males by their face. Zoological Science, 40, 168-174.

Kohda, M., Awata, S. & Sogawa S (2023) Fish identify themselves in mirrors and portraits. The Science Breaker, 2941. https://doi.org/10.25250/thescbr.brk757

Hata, H., Taniguchi, R., Yamashita, N., Hashiguchi, Y., Nakajima, J. & Takeyama, T. (2023) Genotyping of two congeneric bitterling fish species by nuclear SNP markers and the detection of hybridization in a sympatric region. Ecological Research, 38, 571-582.

Matsumoto, K., Yoshihara, K., Katsura, C., Ono, T., Habara, M. & Kohda M. (2023). Sex-dependent growth regulation in monogamous pairs of a cichlid fish. Behaviour, 160, 85-107.

Yasuda, C. I. & Koga, T. (2023). Male Pagurus minutus hermit crabs use multiple types of information in decisions to give up male–male contests. Scientific Reports13, 20654.

Kondo, Y., Kohda, M., Koya, Y. & Awata, S. (2023). Sperm allocation in relation to male-male aggression and courtship in an externally fertilizing fish, the medaka. Animal Behaviour, 202, 919.

Kohda, M., Bshary, R., Kubo, N., Awata, S., Sowersby, W., Kawasaka, K., Kobayashi, T. & Sogawa, S. (2023). Cleaner fish recognize self in a mirror via self-face recognition like humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,  120(7), e2208420120.